Therapist fees in Darwin
We offer a wide range of services throughout Darwin and across remote Northern Territory. To determine your therapist fees in advance, give us a call and we are happy to assist you
Darwin fees:
Below are the available therapists in the Darwin office.
Provisional psychologist
Clinical psychologist
Occupational therapist
Speech pathologist
Drama & movement therapist
Voice movement therapist
Music Therapists
Play Therapists
Allied Health Assistants
Other Unique and specialised Models our Service Offers:
Mini-Mule Therapy
Yoga Groups
Individual Yoga Sessions
Support Groups
Contact our office for the current fee schedule.
*Medicare Care Plans and Private Health Rebates cannot be used for provisional psychologists, this is why their rate for services is cheaper than fully registered psychologists
Stepping Stones in life Therapy Service, periodically reviews our fees against the recommendations, made by our professional bodies. We aim to support families in accessing our services and attempt to be flexible in proving options for care. We are happy to discuss the funding and service options for clients wishing to access services
Contact our office for the current fee schedule.
Other areas we service on a regular basis:
Katherine- Fortnightly across two days
Gove – Fortnightly across two days
Jabiru – Fortnightly day trip
Tennant Creek – Every 10 weeks for a full week
Bathurst Island – Fortnightly
Maningrida – Fortnightly day trip
Other areas available upon request
For any of the above areas please contact our office for fees and dates.
Service Length:
All standard sessions are scheduled as 60 minutes, with only 45-50 minutes being face to face. 30-minute sessions are available upon request. We also offer school/childcare and home visits to support the children, adolescents and adults we work with. Please contact our office to confirm costs.
As we are a specialty service, we do have a cancellation policy in place that requires 48hrs notification to avoid fees being charged.
Exclusion Policy:
There are many nasty bugs and germs that cause colds, infections and flus that periodically spread through the community. If you or your child are too sick for school or to attend other appointments then they/ you are also too sick to attend our clinic for therapy appointments.
We work with children and adults with compromised immune systems and respiratory difficulties, and complex medical conditions where any sickness can cause serious life threatening concerns.
If you, your child or someone attending the session is unwell, please help us reduce the risk of spreading infections and cancel the appointment. Should you not cancel and attend the appointment regardless, please note that we may refuse to start or continue a session if someone is unwell, as this puts our clients and staff at risk.
Currently with the COVID-19 circulating, we have strict guidelines for attendance our clinic to ensure the safety of staff and our clients. You will have your temperature taken on arrival, and you are required to wash your hands before and after the session.
If you are sick, or in isolation please notify us and do not attend your appointment. We have telehealth available should you wish to access a therapy session.
Stepping Stones in life Therapy Service strive to support families across the NT and we understand that sometimes things happen that we cannot predict that results in appointments being cancelled. However, it is important to note that we have a 48hr cancellation policy where full fees apply when the required notice is not provided.
Non Attendance:
We operate under the belief that families are the driving force behind therapy sessions. We work in partnership with you to make your goals happen. If however you miss a session without contacting our clinic to cancel, it becomes the families responsibility to contact us to discuss future therapy services. Please note: Non-attendance will incur full fee charges for the missed sessions which will need to be paid in full before any further therapy sessions are scheduled.
Funding options for families
EAP referral
Private Health Rebates
Medicare Rebates
Helping Children with Autism and Better Start initiatives
Fees are based on recommended fees from the Australian Psychological Society, and other relevant professional bodies.
All appointments need to be paid for at the time of the appointment unless another arrangement has been made with the practice manager prior to the appointment
Court appearances and attendance at meetings will also be charged according to relevant professional bodies.
Letters and Assessment Reports are not included in treatment fees.
Credit Card and EFTPOS facilities available.
HICAPS is available – claim Private Health and Medicare rebates instantly.